Nagpur: In a tragic incident, two individuals lost their lives in a fatal accident caused by negligent driving. The accident occurred on Wednesday, January 8, between 1:30 PM and 3:10 PM, near the RTO office on Chikhli Bridge, within jurisdiction of Kalamna Police Station.
The victims, Gulab Tukaram Bhajnkar (53) and Mahadev Vitoba Sahare (45), were traveling on a motorcycle (MH-40 AB 1705) when a speeding truck (MH-40 BL 4301) rammed into them from behind. The truck was reportedly driven recklessly by the accused, identified as Kuleshwar Tulsiram Nisar (42), a resident of Navegaon, Parseoni Taluka, Nagpur.
The severely injured victims were rushed to Mayo Hospital, where doctors declared them dead during treatment. Following a complaint by Roshan Krishna Admane (31), the son-in-law of one of the victims, Kalamna Police registered a case against the truck driver under sections 106(1), 281 of the BNS, and sections 134, 177, and 184 of the Motor Vehicles Act.
Police successfully apprehended the accused driver and are conducting further investigations into the case.