Nagpur: As part of the ongoing “Maharashtra Police Raising Day 2025” celebrations, Nagpur City Police conducted a grand “Seized Property Distribution Ceremony” on January 6 at Police Bhavan, Civil Lines. Spearheaded by Commissioner of Police Dr. Ravinder Kumar Singal, the event aimed to return seized property worth ₹3 crore to its rightful owners, reinforcing the police’s commitment to public service and justice.
The program began with an address by Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime) Abhijit Patil, who highlighted that the event was organized under the Raising Day Week initiative. He informed the attendees that property seized in 80 cases, registered between 2023 and 2024 across various police stations in Nagpur, was being returned to its rightful claimants.
Dr. Singal, addressing the gathering, explained the importance of such initiatives in strengthening the bond between police and citizens. He emphasized that the prompt return of stolen goods instills public trust in the police and the justice system. He also shared valuable insights on cybercrime prevention, urging citizens to exercise caution and remain vigilant.
The event also witnessed guidance sessions on crime prevention and the measures taken by police to ensure a safer society. Senior police officials including Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) Sanjay Patil, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) and Assistant Police Commissioners from various zones were present.
Women Police Inspector Kavita Isarkar conducted the program, while Inspector Ravindra Naikwade of the Anti-Extortion Cell delivered a vote of thanks.
Citizens whose property was returned expressed immense gratitude and shared their appreciation for the police’s tireless efforts. The smiles on their faces reflected their relief and renewed confidence in the department’s dedication to justice.