Nagpur: Under the Maharashtra Police Raising Day celebrations, a health camp was organized by Nagpur Police’s Zone 4 on January 8, 2025, at Amrut Lawn, Manish Nagar.
The event aimed at promoting the well-being of senior citizens residing in Zone 4 and police personnel. It was inaugurated by retired Director General of Police, Dr. Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay, along with medical experts from Auris Hospital and Sarakshi Netralaya.
The health camp included comprehensive checkups such as blood pressure, sugar levels, ECG, and eye exams for attendees. The event was made possible with contributions from Shailputri Pharmaceuticals and support from local organizations. Police Commissionerate officials emphasized creating a family-like bond with senior citizens.
Dr. Upadhyay provided valuable insights on managing stress in police personnel, highlighting the significance of mental well-being. The event was coordinated by Mukund Kawade, Senior Police Inspector of Beltarodi Police Station, along with his team.
Awareness Program on Breast Cancer for Women Police and Civilians:
Similarly, a breast cancer awareness and screening program was organised by Ajni Police Station on January 8, at Siddheshwar Hall. The initiative aimed at educating women police officers and civilians on early detection and prevention of breast cancer.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone 4, Rashmita Rao, inaugurated the event, with Dr. Rohini Patil leading the session. Attendees were guided on the importance of regular screenings and self-examinations. The free health checkups were conducted by Aniket Nursing Home, Laxminagar, in collaboration with Dr. Patil and her team.