Nagpur: In a tragic incident that highlights the growing concerns over online gaming addiction, a 17-year-old girl allegedly ended her life by slashing her wrist and throat with a knife at her residence on Wardha Road under Dhantoli police jurisdiction late Sunday night. The incident has left her parents devastated and sparked renewed debates about the dangers of online games.
The deceased, the only child of a senior bank official and a homemaker, was found in a pool of blood by her mother on Monday morning at 5:45 am. Her mother’s screams alerted the father, who immediately contacted the police.
Dhantoli police personnel reported that the girl had inflicted five cuts on her wrist and two cross marks before slashing her throat. A four-page suicide note was recovered from the room, detailing her decision to end her life.
Possible Influence of Online Games:
Preliminary investigations suggest that the girl was addicted to online gaming and had been searching for information related to death and foreign cultures. Authorities suspect she may have been influenced by a “last task” challenge, a sinister online trend where players are instructed to commit suicide using specific tools.
Knife Ordered Online:
Police noted that the knife used in the incident, which had a wooden handle and a sharp blade, is not easily available in local markets. They suspect it was ordered online and are currently reviewing the girl’s online accounts for confirmation.
Interest in Life After Death:
The minor’s internet search history revealed an unusual curiosity about “life after death,” suggesting that she may have been contemplating the act for several days. She was also a talented writer with a keen interest in European cultures.
Rising Juvenile Suicides a Concern:
Between 2020 and 2023, Nagpur witnessed 88 juvenile suicides, including 46 involving girls. Experts have pointed out that minor disputes, such as parental restrictions on mobile games or academic pressures, were often contributing factors to these tragic decisions.
Parents’ Shattered Dreams:
Described as a bright Class 12 student, her parents had dreams of sending her abroad for higher education, which were shattered in a single moment. Similar cases involving minors and online gaming have previously been reported.