Nagpur: Ahead of New Year festivities, Nagpur Police have initiated a nakabandi drive across the city starting Monday, at 4:30 pm. Commissioner of Police Dr. Ravinder Singal announced the measures to enhance public safety and ensure a secure celebration for residents.
The nakabandi operation will focus on preventing drunk driving, with police personnel equipped with breath analyzers at key checkpoints. Dr. Singal warned that strict action will be taken against clubs and bars serving alcohol to minors or operating without valid permits.
To ensure effective enforcement, special flying squads have been deployed across Nagpur. “Our priority is to ensure an accident-free and safe New Year for all,” stated Dr. Singal.
The initiative is part of Nagpur Police’s efforts to create a safe environment as the city prepares to welcome 2024. Citizens are urged to celebrate responsibly and cooperate with the authorities during the drive.