Nagpur: A 10-year-old boy named Sanchit Arvind Nard, who went missing from his home in Shriram Nagar under the jurisdiction of Wathoda Police Station, was found safe on Thursday, January 30 evening.
According to police sources, Sanchit had left his home around 11:00 a.m. after being upset that his birthday celebration was not held in the morning. His family reported his disappearance to Wathoda Police Station at 4:00 p.m., prompting immediate action.
Police personnel, led by senior officers, formed multiple search teams and launched an extensive search operation in the surrounding areas. At 4:55 p.m., Beat Marshal No. 2, Police Constable Shashikant Bakkal, and Police Constable Shailendra Singh found the boy near the Swaminarayan Temple area.
In a heartwarming gesture, the Wathoda police not only reunited Sanchit with his relieved parents but also celebrated his birthday by cutting a cake at the police station. The boy’s parents expressed immense gratitude, their smiles reflecting relief and joy.
The swift action by the Wathoda police turned what could have been a distressing day into a joyful memory for the family.