Nagpur: A resident of Manish Nagar took matters into their own hands by opening a newly constructed underpass to the public, bypassing the official inauguration ceremony. The underpass, completed recently, was awaiting a formal inauguration, causing delays in its use.
Citing frustration over the inconvenience caused by prolonged delays, the resident, along with other locals, facilitated access to the route. Commuters in the area had been facing significant difficulties due to the lack of connectivity, and the delayed inauguration had only added to their woes.
The underpass, meant to provide smoother traffic movement in the area, had been eagerly awaited by the residents. However, with political and bureaucratic procedures delaying its official opening, the residents decided to take action, signaling their growing impatience with administrative delays.
The move reflects the increasing frustration among Nagpurians over delayed infrastructure projects, urging authorities to prioritize public convenience over ceremonial formalities.