Nagpur: Under the guidance of Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Zone 5, Niketan Kadam, an estimated ₹18 lakh worth of illegal nylon manja seized during various raids was destroyed as part of the ongoing “Say No to Nylon Manja” campaign.
The destruction of the confiscated material was carried out on January 13, 2025, at 4 PM at the Indora Ground near Jaripatka Police Station.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone 5), Niketan Kadam, along with the in-charges of all Zone 5 police stations and media representatives, was present at the event.
The campaign, spearheaded by Zone 5 police, aims to raise awareness about the deadly risks posed by nylon manja, which has caused several injuries and fatalities, especially during kite-flying festivals like Makar Sankranti.
Citizens are urged to refrain from using or selling nylon manja and to support efforts to eliminate its usage across the city.