Nagpur: In a significant breakthrough, Khaparkheda police have apprehended the main accused in the Pawan Hiranwar murder case, Sheikhu alias Gulnawaz Khan, and Azhar Sheikh here on Tuesday, January 21. Nagpur Rural Superintendent of Police Harssh Poddar confirmed the arrests, marking a critical development in the investigation into the Babulkheda firing incident.
The firing incident, which occurred on January 2, led to the death of Pawan Dheeraj Hiranwar and critically injured Shailesh Hiranwar, both members of the Hiranwar gang. The attack unfolded as the victims, along with Siddharth Kowe, Sonu Shendre, and Himanshu Gajbhiye, were returning from a temple visit in Babulkheda. Members of the Sheikhu gang, led by Sheikhu Khan, allegedly pursued the group on two-wheelers and opened fire on their vehicle.
Following rigorous investigations, police earlier apprehended Nitesh alias Ankit Ramchandra Dhondge, a member of the Sheikhu gang, on January 7. Dhondge, who has two prior criminal cases registered against him in Nagpur, played a role in the coordinated attack.
Sources revealed that the incident was a revenge killing for the murder of one Saroj Khan, who was killed a year ago by Pawan Hiranwar and his associates near Shankar Nagar petrol pump. Saroj’s brother, Sheikhu Khan, had been planning to avenge the murder.