Satara: In a shocking incident that has shaken the trust in the judiciary, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) apprehended a district judge along with two others for allegedly accepting a bribe of ₹5 lakh here, on Wednesday, December 11. The operation, conducted jointly by the Pune and Satara ACB units, exposed the corruption within the judicial system, raising serious concerns about the integrity of the judiciary.
The accused, identified as District and Sessions Judge Dhananjay Nikam, was caught red-handed accepting the bribe at a hotel near the district court premises. The bribe was reportedly demanded in exchange for granting bail to the complainant’s father. The ACB set up a trap and arrested the judge and two accomplices on the spot.
A case has been registered against the accused, and legal proceedings are underway. This unprecedented incident has not only caused an uproar in Satara but also across the state, highlighting the need for stricter oversight of the judiciary.
Courts are often considered the last bastion of hope for citizens seeking justice against oppression or injustice. However, this incident has cast a shadow over the credibility of the judiciary itself. The arrest of a senior judicial officer for corruption has raised critical questions about accountability and ethics in the justice system.
While corruption cases involving police and administrative officers are frequently reported, the involvement of a judge in such malpractice has deeply unsettled the public. Citizens, who place their faith in the judiciary for fairness and integrity, are now left questioning the very institution they rely on for justice.